0.5 2006-05-10 weekly Camp Cool: 04/19/06

Camp Cool

Always on the lookout for the latest and greatest fads and fashion, Camp Cool wants to hear from *you* about what trends are tearing through your school. Hit us up with an e-mail and be a CCCIT (Camp Cool Counselor in Training)!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What Would Chuck Norris Do?

Did you know that Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer? Too bad he never cries. Facts about the tough-as-nails martial artist (don't call them jokes!) are roundhouse kicking their way across American campuses and guys like Joshua and Jonathan B. from New York are continuing the assault. Joshua popularized the fad at his school by swapping facts in class with his friend, Jon, and by telling others about "a great website:" Once a mere mortal, the facts have elevated Norris to an almost godlike level. Every time Chuck Norris kills a man, an angel gets its wings. Jonathan admits than when the going gets rough, "we look to the wisdom of Sir Charles Norris". And what wisdom it is! After all, Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice. In a similar fashion, John H. from North Carolina says that, at his school, "it started out between two guys and then it went to the school's morning news show." Drew B. from upstate New York first heard about Norris's exploits when the sister of a friend of his "started rattling off a few that she happened to know." He thought they were funny so he looked up more on Google. "I remember finding this website that said something about someone who started it, but I can't quite remember who it was talking about." That's okay, Drew. Even Chuck Norris forgets things. For example, he eats steak for every single meal. Most times he forgets to kill the cow. Norris facts experts agree that it was 17-year-old Ian Spector's Random Chuck Norris Fact Generator that truly kicked off the admiration for the rugged actor. How cool!